

This course in consumer rights focuses directly on the duties that the business community has towards consumers. Several sets of regulations have been formulated with the aim of protecting consumers as a group with appurtenant dispute resolution bodies. However, it turns out that the business community has little knowledge of these rules and therefore risks getting involved in expensive conflicts that could have been avoided if they had been more knowledgeable about consumer rights. It will be both cost-effective for each enterprise and socio-economically worthwhile to improve the knowledge level on consumer rights. The business community must be aware of the rules on consumer rights in order to fulfil their own duties formulated in various regulations.

Course content

  • The entering into and interpretation of contracts when one contracting party is a consumer
  • The duties of the business community as regards the consumer sales act, the craftsmen services act and other services
  • Complaint rules and dispute resolution bodies
  • The rules on consumersÂ’ right of cancellation
  • The rules on marketing aimed at consumers


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