Excerpt from course description

International Entrepreneurship


Many ventures will go abroad to access international customers, experts or resources or experience competition from international companies. This course focuses on international dimensions of entrepreneurship and innovation in terms of understanding different types of contexts, strategies for succeeding on international arenas, internationalization processes as well as international governance and leadership. The course is an elective and is offered as an intensive course in the third semester.  Particular attention will be given to the industrial dynamics in the Beijing area around Tsinghua University in Beijing, including Norwegian companies that are involved. The area around Tsinghua University is the second largest high tech investment eco system in the world, and core to China’s efforts to become a high tech nation.

Course content

The course content includes:

  • INVs: Definition and understanding
  • The international context: Culture, Economic, Social systems
  • International Strategy
  • Internationalization processes
  • International Organization, Control and Leadership
  • Building international networks and alliances


This is an excerpt from the complete course description for the course. If you are an active student at BI, you can find the complete course descriptions with information on eg. learning goals, learning process, curriculum and exam at portal.bi.no. We reserve the right to make changes to this description.