This course is unfortunately cancelled autumn 2020.
(Max. 22 students)
While population growth is slowing in many countries, it continues to rise in Africa, where the population is expected to quadruple in the 21st century. Africa is rich in natural resources, but for several reasons the continent is missing a balanced and sustainable growth. Due to climate change and inefficient agriculture about 50 million Africans face hunger. To ensure a sustainable development on this continent, it is crucial with knowledge and awareness related to corporate responsibility – from a social, environmental and economic perspective.
Tanzania is one of the most peaceful and stable countries in Africa, and at the same time its economy is growing. Today, the economy is mainly based on agriculture, but sectors like service, industry, mineral and energy are picking up. In 2014 the economic growth in Tanzania was 7 %, representing challenges and opportunities within environmental and social issues.
This course provides knowledge about Africa, with focus on Tanzania and its economic development, from a sustainability point of view through the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). We will look at what has worked and what has failed – and why – from a business and sustainability point of view. Cultural issues and public governance will also be addressed. Sustainable development is a complex and multidisciplinary field, and the course applies an eclectic approach. Different theories will be addressed as well as different teaching tools and approaches.
The course will include a one week study tour to Tanzania. The program will include visits to companies, organizations and academic institutions as well as a fieldtrip. The focus will be on Norwegian companies operating in Tanzania (for example Statoil, Yara and Green Resources ) and lectures through academic/research- and non-governmental organizations (for example Norwegian Church Aid, Save the Children and Plan International). Students will participate in workshops with local master students and meet local business entrepreneurs and visit business incubators.
The knowledge acquired through this course will contribute to a better understanding of key elements of development in the African region - both from a challenge and opportunity perspective. This knowledge is valuable for identifying and addressing sustainability and business development in a more global setting.