Excerpt from course description

Legal Method and EEA Law


Legal method and EEA law is a program course for the Bachelor's degree in economics and business law and is adapted to the learning objectives set for this degree. The course is divided into two main subjects:

  1. Legal method
  2. EEA law

Course content

Legal method:

  • Central legal basic concepts, such as the concepts of law, rule of law, source of law, right, application of law, discretion, duty (injunction, prohibition), competence
  • The relationship between legal and other normative basic concepts, such as power, morality, justice
  • The distinction between written (statutory) and unwritten (non-statutory) law, including the principle of legality
  • The principles of legal sources, including the distinction between questions of relevance, inference and emphasis
  • The legislative process
  • The Constitution's special legal status
  • Main principles for interpretation of law, including the distinction between clarifying, limiting, expanding, analogical and antithetical legal interpretation
  • Main principles for understanding/interpreting and using legal drafting and case law as a source of law
  • The structure of the judicial system
  • The relationship between general legal rules and individual norms, for example those provided by agreement
  • Resolution of rule conflicts, including on the lex principles

EEA law

  • The requirements for the implementation of EEA rules in Norwegian law
  • The meaning of the EEA rules in Norwegian law
  • The main features of EU law and EEA law
  • Institutions and decision-making processes in the EU and EEA
  • The main features of the prohibitions against obstacles to the movement of goods, people, services and capital across national borders, and the modifications to these prohibitions (the four freedoms)


This is an excerpt from the complete course description for the course. If you are an active student at BI, you can find the complete course descriptions with information on eg. learning goals, learning process, curriculum and exam at portal.bi.no. We reserve the right to make changes to this description.