Excerpt from course description

Management in small and medium-sized organizations


Management has many diverse, composite and demanding challenges in small and medium-sized companies, in smaller business units in larger chains and in self-managed units of larger organizations. This course is designed to give managers from these kinds of organizations a wide and result-oriented base of skills and competence in the area of management and HR. Participants will be brought up to date with regard to modern management, the hiring of new employees, motivation, creative thinking and conflict resolution. As a part of the course, manager assessments developed by the course responsible are carried out. The purpose of the course is to enhance managers’ understanding of the demands of management, to improve their leadership skills on the basis theories on modern management and to increase competencies within relevant thematic structures.

Course content

Part 1: Introduction
Perspectives, Chpts. 1-7
Chapter on personality from the compendium

Day 1
Get to know the other participants
Knowledge of effective management – what do we know about this after 100 years of research?
Analysis of the demands put on the management of participants’ own activities.

Day 2
Knowledge of your own assumptions for effective management (personal preferences and attitudes) and analysis of them
Knowledge of your own management style (360 degree assessment) and analysis of it.
Development of your own action plan for further work on your knowledge and competence.

Part 2: Training in development-oriented management
Perspectives, Chpts. 8-15
Chapter on motivation from the compendium

Day 1
Self-management as a method for goal-oriented change.
Training in change, inspiration and vision.
Training in goal and result orientation.
Work with cases.

Day 2
Training in relations skills: Development by teaching others self-management.
Knowledge of motivation: What motivates you and your colleagues?
Work with cases.
The importance of carrying out the right hiring procedures.
The job interview.

Part 3: The job of the manager
The rest of the compendium (Conflict, Stress, Creativity), as well as review of the syllabus with the exam in mind.

Day 1
Conflict resolution. Mastering stress

Day 2
Creative problem-solving in daily life.
Conclusion and summing up.
Exam preparation.


This is an excerpt from the complete course description for the course. If you are an active student at BI, you can find the complete course descriptions with information on eg. learning goals, learning process, curriculum and exam at portal.bi.no. We reserve the right to make changes to this description.