Excerpt from course description

Marketing Communication - RE-SIT EXAM


Technology development and changes in communication and media habits affect decision-making to customers and the company's other stakeholders. Several media channels and increased use of communication technology make it important for businesses to develop a market communication plan that ensure that the right message reach the right target market in the right channels. Digital channels also provide more people with better opportunities to participate. It affects how the business itself must communicate. Dialogue becomes more important than monologue. More important than ever before, is it therefore that the people responsible for developing the market communication plan of today and the future must have a comprehensive understanding of communication that ensures a good interaction between market and communication activities. This includes the organization-driven brand and reputation building, the paid market activities as well as the unpaid activities where users increasingly become the premier of the content.

Course content

Marketing communication - history and present How does marketing communication work Communication development Communication planning Communication planning: Selection of target group The communication target group's information processing Communication strategy Media strategy Creative strategies and message design Media Communication measures.


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