Excerpt from course description

Master Thesis (18 ECTS)


This course description is relevant for MSc in Business students. It is also relevant for students admitted to the +1 MSc in Business or MSc in Strategic Marketing Management, continuing with their major from the 4 year degree programme (‘Siviløkonom’).

In the course of the MSc Programme, all students are required to write a thesis. The thesis shall be written in groups of two students, but may upon application be written individually. The thesis work consists of thesis seminars, a thesis proposal, a preliminary thesis report, and the final thesis.

Course content

Students on the MSc in Business and students admitted to the +1 MSc in Business or MSc in Strategic Marketing Management programme, continuing with their major from the 4 year degree programme (‘Siviløkonom’’), should write a thesis equivalent to the workload of 18 ECTS credits.

The students may
a) expand their 'sivil' thesis (new and/or unresolved issues)
b) develop their thesis into an academic article
c) write a literature review

The student is responsible for selecting a topic/problem area which is suitable for a thesis in the major area. The student needs to fill in a thesis registration form and have the topic and advisor approved by the Academic Coordinator responsible for the major. An oral presentation can be a part of the thesis seminar and count for a part of the grade of the preliminary thesis project.


This is an excerpt from the complete course description for the course. If you are an active student at BI, you can find the complete course descriptions with information on eg. learning goals, learning process, curriculum and exam at portal.bi.no. We reserve the right to make changes to this description.