This course description is relevant for MSc in Business students. It is also relevant for students admitted to the +1 MSc in Business or MSc in Strategic Marketing Management, continuing with their major from the 4 year degree programme (‘Siviløkonom’).
In the course of the MSc Programme, all students are required to write a thesis. The thesis shall be written in groups of two students, but may upon application be written individually. The thesis work consists of thesis seminars, a thesis proposal, a preliminary thesis report, and the final thesis.
Course content
Students on the MSc in Business and students admitted to the +1 MSc in Business or MSc in Strategic Marketing Management programme, continuing with their major from the 4 year degree programme (Siviløkonom), should write a thesis equivalent to the workload of 18 ECTS credits.
The students may
a) expand their 'sivil' thesis (new and/or unresolved issues)
b) develop their thesis into an academic article
c) write a literature review
The student is responsible for selecting a topic/problem area which is suitable for a thesis in the major area. The student needs to fill in a thesis registration form and have the topic and advisor approved by the Academic Coordinator responsible for the major. An oral presentation can be a part of the thesis seminar and count for a part of the grade of the preliminary thesis project.