This is the course description for master thesis for students admitted between autumn 2010 and autumn 2014.
The final opportunity to deliver a final thesis for students who were originally registered for this course code is September 1st 2018.
Students who want to deliver a master thesis after this date, will have to register for the current active course code and do a full new thesis process, with ordinary fees.
In the course of the MSc Programme all students are required to write a thesis. A thesis of 30 ECTS is a requirement for master degrees (Masterforskriften ยง6). The thesis shall be written in groups of two students, but may upon application be written individually. The thesis work consists of thesis seminars, guidance, a thesis proposal, a preliminary thesis report, and the final thesis.
Each Associate Dean is responsible for approving the thesis topic and thesis advisor. In addition the Associate Dean is responsible for thesis seminars in the program.