Excerpt from course description

Media Management and Economics


This course deals with topics related to value creation, marketing, market communication, public relations, business and management in relation to the media industries.

Course content

  • Introduction to media economics - key characteristics of the media (Macro- and microeconomics, the firm, competitive market structures)
  • Public goods versus private goods (Business models for television (PSB, commercial, Pay per view) and news production (online and print))
  • Old and new supply chains in media co-production with customers (Growth strategies, convergence, expansion and integration, produsage in content-driven media)
  • Economics of media firms - a market point of view or a social policy point of view (The advertising industry, public policy and consumer choices)
  • Characteristics of major media sectors (Television, print and internet newspapers, music industry, film and publishing)
  • Digital media economics (Business models, transaction cost theory, windowing, rights)
  • The global media economics (Media ownership, media houses, technological and cultural constrains and opportunities)
  • Business models, innovation and disruptive technology
  • Media consumption; long tail and niche media


This is an excerpt from the complete course description for the course. If you are an active student at BI, you can find the complete course descriptions with information on eg. learning goals, learning process, curriculum and exam at portal.bi.no. We reserve the right to make changes to this description.