Excerpt from course description

Organisational Learning and Knowledge Creation


Organisational learning, managing knowledge sharing, knowledge development and knowledge management are considered vital to organisations for continuing improvements and implementation of new visions, strategies and knowledge domains through change and innovation processes. It is also of crucial importance for competitive advantage and attaching the best employees within a knowledge society. Hence, many scholars and practitioners have joined in the debate around the many faceted relationship between learning, knowledge, knowing, development and change processes. As a consequence, the concepts of organisational learning and knowledge management have developed into a number of approaches and perspectives, all to increase our understanding of how to apply concepts and theories for implementation in organisational practices.

Course content

  • The concepts of Organisational Learning and Knowledge Management
  • Disciplinary Perspectives on Learning, Knowledge sharing, managing Knowledge, Knowing and Competences at work
  • OL and Knowing as Participation, Practice and Processes in Organisations
  • The Learning Organisation –- Leading through KM
  • An Organisational Learning and Knowledge Capabilities Framework
  • Knowledge Intensive Firms -– Knowledge sharing and Trust
  • Knowledge Work and Knowledge Sharing –- Tacit and Explicit knowledge
  • Communities of Practice and Network of Practices -– exploring the challenges of Learning and Change
  • Social identity, Emotions, Trust and Working Environment
  • Newcomers Learning Processes -– Organisational Socialization
  • Change Management and Innovation -– Strategic Leadership
  • Leadership and Middle Management
  • Power and Politics –- Sensemaking and Sensegiving
  • Teams and Projects as facilitators for Learning and Knowing (Knowledge Sharing)
  • Managing Knowledge for Change and Innovation
  • Organisational Culture –- Cultural Leadership -– creating a strong Learning Culture


This is an excerpt from the complete course description for the course. If you are an active student at BI, you can find the complete course descriptions with information on eg. learning goals, learning process, curriculum and exam at portal.bi.no. We reserve the right to make changes to this description.