Excerpt from course description

Research Methodology for Organisational Behaviour


The purpose of this course is threefold. First, to provide students with knowledge and skills that enable them to conduct high quality research in their thesis projects. Second, to guide students towards becoming critical readers and users of OB research. Third, in their future professional careers to design and carry out applied research projects for organizations.

The course has an applied focus, where students are initially given a general introduction to research methodology covering issues in both quantitative and qualitative methodology research ethics, and learn to search and critically examine sources for scientific knowledge. Students are also trained in critical evaluation of research conducted by others as well as their own research

Course content

The learning outcomes will be realized by twelve course components consisting of:

  1. Introduction to OB research 
  2. Research questions and designs 
  3. Literature search 
  4. Hypothesis testing, estimation, and inference 
  5. Error control, hypothesis testing and researcher behavior
  6. Internal and external validity
  7. Seminar on validity
  8. Semi structured interviews
  9. Qualitative research designs
  10. Qualitative analysis
  11. Case study
  12. Research ethics
  13. Exam prep lecture


This is an excerpt from the complete course description for the course. If you are an active student at BI, you can find the complete course descriptions with information on eg. learning goals, learning process, curriculum and exam at portal.bi.no. We reserve the right to make changes to this description.