Excerpt from course description

Sustainable Strategy and Circular Economy


This course is cancelled autumn 2024.

Addressing sustainability is a necessity in today's business environment. Civil society, media and governments increasingly expect that companies look beyond short-term profit toward a broader goal of long-term sustainable value creation. The launch of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) also reflects this broader business agenda.

A good sustainability strategy provides opportunities to improve day-to-day business, establish a competitive advantage and develop new and sustainable products. A move from linear to circular economies require revised strategic approaches. Systemic thinking and sustainable business strategies are addressed. The circular economy, defined as eliminating waste and extending the use of resources, is crucial to achieving a sustainable future. To move from talking about “waste” as a problem to realizing it as a “resource”, is a key element in this process. In this course, discussions and case studies will address such topics as eco-design, industrial symbiosis, functional economy refurbishment, repair, re-manufacturing and recycling.

The course will focus on understanding how to develop and integrate a sustainable strategy approach. Circular economy, innovation, customer behavior, risk management, communicating/reputation and media management, governance and responsible investment (ESG) will all be addressed. Since sustainability is a global issue, challenges and opportunities in emerging markets will be incorporated into the lectures.Cases in different sectors will be presented and discusses. Impact evaluation relative to the The UN Sustainable Development Goals, application of the SWOT model and Kotters 8-Step Process for Leading change, will be applied to address upscaling of good Circular Economy cases. 

Circular economy potentials in a set of sectors will be addressed. Electronics, building and construction, transport, food, plastic, fashion and textile, and deposit and return systems, are examples of sectors which can be included. 

The teaching will be based on lectures, presentations, and outside speakers, all in close collaboration with corporations engaged in sustainable business strategy and circular economy.

Course content

The teaching will be based on lectures, presentations, and outside speakers, all in close collaboration with corporations engaged in sustainable business strategy. In a setting of Circular Economy potentials, a set of sectors will be addressed. Electronics, building and construction, transport, food, plastic, fashion and textile, and deposit and return systems, are examples of sectors which can be included. A selection of issues below will be addrssed relative to the sectors addressed. 

  • New business models for sustainable innovation and circular economy
  • Development and implementation of a sustainable strategy
  • Circular economy (including eco-design, industrial symbiosis, functional economy refurbishment, repair, re-manufacturing and recycling)
  • Business opportunities and challenges in a circular economy
  • Innovation through circular economy - life cycle analysis
  • Leadership and management of sustainable business
  • Customer management and stakeholder collaboration
  • Supply chain collaboration and management in a circular economy
  • Sustainability in global economy
  • ESG and finance in a sustainable setting


This is an excerpt from the complete course description for the course. If you are an active student at BI, you can find the complete course descriptions with information on eg. learning goals, learning process, curriculum and exam at portal.bi.no. We reserve the right to make changes to this description.