This is a summer course for summer 2021.
Maximum 100 students.
The overall goal of the course is for students to learn how company (hi)stories are created and used as strategic, immaterial assets. Multinational companies narrate stories about themselves, their past and future in annual reports, CSR reports, anniversary publications, on web platforms, social media, and other places. These (hi)stories are based on masses of qualitative and quantitative data, imagery, visualizations that must be turned into reasonably coherent, trustworthy and meaningful narratives.
In the course, students learn how company narratives emerge from a variety of sources and explore the importance of identifying biases in the interpretation of data. Furthermore, they will be able to identify alternative stories in the data. They also learn how to distinguish between evidence-based, factual company narratives and purely fictional constructs. Different stakeholders make strategic decisions based on the company narratives and depend on their accuracy and accountability. The students learn to assess the truthfulness of the narrative and its strategic purpose. They learn how to read between the lines, how to identify silenced voices, missing sources and alternative interpretations. Finally, the company narrative must be meaningful for audiences in different markets and cultures, so the students will learn how to consider the context in which the narrative appears.
The students will work with company narratives from multinationals from Brazil, China, Australia, Scandinavia, USA, South Africa, and other countries, presented by lecturers from many of the same countries. There will also be guest lecturers from multinational companies.