Exchange programme

Bachelor Course List Autumn

The following courses are available for Bachelor exchange students at BI in the Autumn semester 2023. The list is updated as of May 2023.

  • The course list below is subject to minor changes.
  • All Bachelor-level courses (except BST 2412 International Business) constitute 7.5 ECTS credits. A full semester workload is 30 ECTS credits.
  • Consult the course descriptions for detailed information about each course.
Course Code Course Name
EXC 3672 Analyses of Financial Data
KLS 3561 Art and Design Industries
EXC 2110 Basic Financial Management
SPÅ 2901 Business Communication - Culture and Ethics
SPÅ 2902 Business Communication - Negotiations and Presentations
ELE 3909 Cluster Analysis for Business
ELE 3904 Communication in Action: Dialogue and Discourse
EXC 3671 Corporate Finance
ELE 3908 Creativity and Aesthetics in Organisations
MRK 3550 Cross Cultural Management
EBA 3500 Data Analysis with Programming
EBA 3610 Decision Modelling Using Spreadsheet
EDI 3520 Digital Marketing
EDI 3500 Digital Problem Solving and Task Automation
EXC 3420 Economics 1
ELE 3750 Financial Analysis and Valuation
ELE 3732 Financial Bubbles, Crashes and Crises
FIN 3618 Financial Econometrics
EXC 3670 Financial Markets and Institutions
EXC 2122 Financial Performance Management
EBA 3600 Financial Technology
EXC 3430 Fundamentals of Accounting and Finance
MRK 3544 Global Economy
ELE 3910 Global Sustainability: Climate, Environment and Poverty
BST 2413 International Business
EXC 3631 International Business Environment
EXC 3603 International Economics
EXC 3611 International Finance
ELE 3637  Internship 
(available only for students staying for 2 semesters on exchange at BI)
ELE 3911 Introduction to Quantitative Finance
EXC 3612 Investment Analysis
FIN 3523 Investments
ELE 3912 Machine Learning for Business Using R
EXC 3630 Managing International Operations
NSA 2510 Marine Insurance
MRK 3503 Marketing Communication
EXC 3415 Marketing Management
ELE 3776 Mathematical Analysis
EXC 2910 Mathematics
EBA 1180 Mathematics for Data Science
EXC 3520 Microeconomics
EXC 2901 Norwegian Culture and History - An Introduction
EXC 3460 Organizational Behavior and Leadership
NSA 2512 Organizing the Shipowning Entity
FORK 2200 Preparatory Course in Programming
EDI 3400 Programming and Data Management
EBA 3400 Programming, Data Extraction and Visualisation
ELE 3709 Project Management
ELE 3736 Real Estate Finance
EXC 3506 Research Methods and Econometrics
NSA 2521 Shipping Management
ELE 3905 Social Media and Society
ELE 3919 Strategic Sustainable Innovation
EXC 3505 Strategy
EXC 3650 Supply Chain Management