BI Research Centre

Centre for Experimental Studies and Research (CESAR)

The Centre for Experimental Studies and Research – CESAR – provides high quality research on decisions and markets using economic theory and experimental methods.

11th nordic conference on behavioral and experimental economics

For registration and further details please visit the conference homepage.

The conference will be hosted at the Department of Economics at BI Norwegian Business School from 30 September to 1 October 2016, at Campus Nydalen/Oslo.

The conference starts Friday morning, 30 September, and ends Saturday afternoon, 1 October. The scientific program comprises two keynote lectures and paper presentations organized in parallel sessions.

Keynote speakers:

John Morgan (University of California at Berkeley)

Jean-Robert Tyran (University of Vienna)

There is a conference fee of 500 NOK and participants need to cover their own travel and accommodation expenses.

Important dates:

Late June Notification about acceptance

31 July Registration deadline for presenters

31 August Registration deadline for non-presenters

We are looking much forward to be seeing you in Oslo!