
Global Case Competition

A virtual and truly global case competition to generate game changing solutions for the UN Food Systems Summit in 2021.

Friday to Sunday 05 - 21 March
  • Starts:16:00, 5 March 2021
  • Ends:19:00, 21 March 2021
  • Location:Digital @ Zoom
  • Price:Free
  • Enrolment deadline:Monday, 15 February 2021
  • Contact:Global Case Competition (gamechanger@bi.no)

See you next year!


On Sunday 21 March, the semi-final and final of the Global Case Competition was executed. Of the original 85 teams, 15 remained in the semi-final. After another knock-out round, only three competed in the final.


A huge congratulations to Team Inbicctus from Porto Business School for winning the Global Case Competition 2021.

"It has been a great experience for all of us! We made our best efforts to meet the expectations on the challenge (the cause is dear to all of us and should be a global worry) and focused our attentions in trying to solve the issue in a practical and realistic way, so it may be helpful to decision makers. Thank you to the organization and to all of those who motivated us to go beyond - without you the win would not have been possible."- Team Inbbictus

Winners Global Case Competition 2021: Team Inbbictus


2nd place. Team Clear Consulting from University of Technology Sydney
3rd place. Team Greenbelt from Texas A&M University

Unhealthy diets have become a primary source of poor health around the world, with glaring disparities between rich and poor. A shocking 690 million people are chronically hungry, while one-third of what we produce is never eaten. Our diets have also become the leading contributor to global environmental degradation. Redesigning the food is a unique and powerful opportunity to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 and to involve people from around the globe in solving some of our greatest challenges.

Action Tracks for the UN Food Systems Summit, in cooperation with EAT, BI Norwegian Business School, and Kearney, aim to change that – with a little help from students capable of truly thinking outside the food-system box!

Participants will contribute to the development of a large scale, innovative solution that paves the way for a healthier and more sustainable food system. Action Tracks will incorporate the winning propositions into further discussions with member states and for the United Nations’ final action track submission.

We provide student value of non-monetary rewards

  1. Opportunity to pitch the idea for UN's Action Track experts
  2. Taking ownership to solutions through being part of the UN FSS process
  3. Participating with some of the most known educational institutions
  4. Working further on the idea for commercialization in connection with multinational innovation arena.
  5. Press coverage of solutions including social media and partner platforms
  6. Diploma/certificate

Monetary rewards

  1. 10, 000 USD 1st place
  2. 4, 000 USD 2nd place
  3. 3, 000 USD 3rd place
  4. 2, 000 USD 4th place
  5. 1, 000 USD 5th place