BI Alumni magazine

Advantage 1/2019

In this issue of the alumni magazine we focus on innovation. Four exciting innovators share stories about their entrepreneurial ups and downs. We also look at what our researchers have to say about designing collaborative and agile organisations, and innovation insights from across industries.


The money saving app

The past year Carl-Nicolai Wessmann has helped Norwegians put aside 43 million kroner, by using an app he developed.


Entrepreneurial life is underestimated

City bike entrepreneur Jan Tore Endresen loves the future of transport and predicts that owning your own car will soon be a thing of the past.


A fantastic place to make friends

After coming to Norway from India, the one thing Swati Sharma appreciated the most was: The people she met.


A long climb to the top

When Carl-Erik Michalsen Moberg tells the story of how TicketCo became a success, most of what we hear is a long series of disasters and a headstrong customer from Sogndal.


The best of two worlds

When Heidi Wiig celebrates the talented future leaders of China's business world, a Norwegian bunad is the only right attire.


A tech adventure from Halden

Starting a new company is easy; the hard part is getting it to grow. For Knut H. Johansen and eSmart Systems, part of success entails some failure before reaching the goal line.