
Innovation and Entrepreneur­ship

This PhD specialisation educates candidates to become researchers capable of exploring challenges faced in entrepreneurial business and innovation policies. They will be able to contribute new insights to the frontiers of international research.

Specialisation Objectives

Our four-year specialisation in innovation and entrepreneurship is created to support willing and capable candidates to obtain a high quality research education that qualifies for academic careers at leading research institutions or as advanced specialists elsewhere. The specialisation focuses on developing the candidates' theoretical and methodological capabilities and skills through careful research practice and studies required for disciplined and creative new theory creation.

The specialisation seeks highly qualified candidates with background in disciplines that are relevant to studies of innovation and entrepreneurship. We require that all candidates have a sufficient knowledge of business management subjects to enter the programme. However, we also recognize and appreciate the relevancy and fertility of different academic disciplines to this area of research such as economics, finance, industrial organization, economic history, and economic sociology and –anthropology, in addition to business management, science- and technology studies etc. These various theoretical and disciplinary approaches are reflected in the programme as well as among our faculty members. The specialisation will provide a basis for a mature and critical attitude through emphasis on in-depth empirical and theoretical studies.

The doctoral specialisation is highly important to the department's research agenda within areas of knowledge production that steadily has emerged as absolutely crucial to the modern world of business and society.

Distinguishing Features of the Specialisation

The specialisation emphasises both qualitative and quantitative research methods. The majority of completed doctoral thesis has concentrated on various kinds of detailed case studies that may also include substantial elements of quantitative analysis.

All doctoral candidates are expected to participate actively in research activities within the department.

Fully funded scholarships

All PhD candidates receive financial support when accepted into the programme. The candidates are hired as full-time employees on an initial four-year contract. Continuation of the support through the four years of the programme is dependent on good standing and regular progress towards completing the programme’s requirements. PhD candidates are entitled to full parental leave and health insurance, and are part of the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund. The workplace is BI Norwegian Business School at its main campus in Oslo.

What you can expect

The four-year study programme leading to a PhD degree is designed to allow you to conduct in-depth research. In addition, it is comprised of a course component, seminars, PhD committees, pre-doctoral defence, and lastly, dissertation and final defence. 25% of the time is reserved for teaching.

The department of Strategy and Entrepreneurship

The department of Strategy and Entrepreneurship provides teaching and conducts research on strategic perspectives in the areas of management, technology, organisations, decision-making and value creation, on a national as well as global scale. The department consists of approximately 50 faculty members.

It is a research-oriented department that aims at producing research that makes a difference, both for businesses and organisations that use the knowledge and for the academic community. The department has a strong track record of publications in top journals. A list of recent publications are available on the Department's website.

Areas of Research

  • Innovation processes in various industries
  • Studies of innovative economies and industries
  • Entrepreneurial finance, Venture Capital and Private Equity Industry
  • History of innovative enterprises and industrial dynamics
  • Governance and management of innovative enterprises

"Our institute is a great place to be if you want to do research that is innovative and interdisciplinary! Through courses and seminars in this specialisation you will meet and work with people from different professions, industries and backgrounds. The project I am a part of is a cooperation between actors in academia and public health care, which is great for my thesis and gives me multiple opportunities for the future."

Adeline Holmedahl Hvidsten

PhD candidate, specialisation in Innovation and Entrepreneurship