

Date Time Speaker Affiliation Title
19/08/2020 12:00-13:00 (Zoom) Helios Herrera Warwick "Brexit: Compromise Under Threat"
26/08/2020 13:00-14:00 (Zoom) Sergio Ocampo Western University "The Evolution of U.S. Retail Concentration"
02/09/2020 12:00-13:00 (Zoom) Michela Tincani University College London "Student Beliefs and the (Perverse) Incentives of Preferential College Admissions"
09/09/2020 18:00-19:00 (Zoom) Jonathan Vogel UCLA "Discrimination and Racial Disparities in Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from WWI"
16/09/2020 12:00-13:00 (Zoom) Maarten De Ridder LSE "Market Power and Innovation in the Intangible Economy"

12:00-13:00 (Zoom)

Rickard Sandberg Stockholm School of Economics "M-Estimator Based Unit Root Tests in Nonlinear Dynamic Models"
30/09/2020 FALL HOLIDAY      
07/10/2020 12:00-13:00 (Zoom) Sultan Mahmood Aix-Marseille University “Religious Leaders and Rule of Law”
14/10/2020 15:00-16:00 (Zoom) Chen Lian Berkeley

"Mistakes in Future Consumption, High MPCs Now"

28/10/2020 12:00-13:00 (Zoom) Richard Audoly NHH

“Firm Dynamics and Random Search over the Business Cycle”

04/11/2020 12:00-13:00 (Zoom) Sebastian Axbard Queen Mary "Information, Accountability and Regulatory Enforcement: Evidence from Pollution Monitoring in China"
11/11/2020 12:00-13:00 (Zoom) Paolo Giovanni Piacquadio UiO “The Equal-Sacrifice Social Welfare Function” 
18/22/2020 17:00-18:00 (Zoom) Marianna Kudlyak San Francisco FED "Job-Finding and Job-Losing: A Comprehensive Model of Heterogeneous Individual Labor-Market Dynamics"
25/11/2020 12:00-13:00 (Zoom) Stefano Gagliarducci Università di Roma Tor Vergata "Faith and Assimilation: The Italian Immigration to the US"
02/12/2020 15:00-16:00 (Zoom) Adam Guren Boston University

"Do Credit Conditions Move House Prices?"

09/12/2020 12:00-13:00 (Zoom) Stephen Hansen Imperial Business School “Firm-level Risk Exposures and Stock Returns in the Wake of COVID-19”

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Meeting ID: 696 6521 8146

Passcode: EconSem


Spring 2020

Date Time Speaker Affiliation Title
January   JOB MARKET    
February   JOB MARKET    
21/02/2020   Thomas de Haan UiB "Fairness Preferences in the Face of Limited Information"
4/03/2020 12:00-13.15 Scott Baker Northwestern "What Triggers Stock Market Jumps?"
11/03/2020 12:00-13.15 Bertil Tungodden NHH    
"Fairness across the world: Preferences and Beliefs" 
18/03/2020 12:00-13.15 Mario Crucini Vanderbilt University  Presentation through Zoom
25/03/2020 12:00-13.15 Frederica Romei Stockholm School of Economics Presentation through Zoom
1/04/2020 12:00-13.15 Gabriella Santangelo U. Cambridge  Presentation through Zoom
15/04/2020 12:00-13.15 Maria Petrova Pompeu Fabra "Social Media and Xenophobia: Evidence from Russia"
22/04/2020 12:00-13.15 Toni Ahnert  Bank of Canada "Loan Insurance, Market Liquidity, and Lending Standards"
29/04/2020 12:00-13.15 Elias Dinas EUI "Issue Salience and Norm Change in New Democracies"
6/05/2020 12:00-13.15 Ghazala Azmat Sciences Pro Presentation through Zoom
13/05/2020 12:00-13.15 Georges Georgiadis NWU "Optimal Project Design"
20/05/2020 12:00-13.15 Alp Simsek MIT "A Model of Asset Price Spirals and Aggregate Demand Amplication of a Covid-19 Shock"
27/05/2020 12:00-13.15 Nemanja Antic Northwestern Presentation through Zoom
3/06/2020 12:00-13.15 Frederic Schneider Judd Business School Cambridge Cancelled
10/06/2020 18:00-19.15 Cecilie Gaubert  US Berkeley "Place-Based Redistribution"
17/06/2020 12:00-13.15 Øystein Daljord Chicago Booth Presentation through Zoom