
Spring 2023

Date Time Speaker Affiliation Title
11/01/2023 12:00-13:15  Jeanne Commault Sciences Po How Do Persistent Earnings Affect the Response of Consumption to Transitory Shocks?
18/01/2023 12:00-13:15  Ciaran Rogers IIES Stockholm University/Paris Risky Insurance: Life-cycle Insurance Portfolio Choice with Incomplete Markets
25/01/2023 12:00-13:15 Andreas Kotsadam Frisch Centre Peer effects on authoritarianism – Evidence from the Norwegian Armed Forces
01/02/2023 12:00-13:15  Ingrid Haegele LMU Munich The Broken Rung: Gender and the Leadership Gap
15/02/2023 12:00-13:15 Anna Picco Sveriges Riksbank Financial Constraints without Binding Borrowing Constraints
22/02/2023 Winter break      
01/03/2023 12:00-13:15 Mathias Klein Sveriges Riksbank The Political Costs of Austerity
08/03/2023 12:00-13:15  Christopher Busch LMU Munich Stage-Based Identification of Policy Effects
15/03/2023 12:00-13:15  Olle Folke Uppsala University The Class Ceiling in Politics
22/03/2023 12:00-13:15  Gonzalo Paz Pardo European Central Bank The Aggregate and Distributional Implications of Credit Shocks on Housing and Rental Markets
29/03/2023 12:00-13:15  Martin Weidner University of Oxford Moment Conditions for Dynamic Panel Logit Models with Fixed Effects
05/04/2023 Easter break      
12/04/2023 12:00-13:15  Alaïs Martin-Baillon University of Copenhagen / NYU Abu Dhabi When should we tax firms? Optimal corporate taxation with firm heterogeneity
03/05/2023 12:00-13:15  Virgiliu Midrigan New York University Why Are Returns to Wealth so Dispersed
10/05/2023 12:00-13:15  Denni Tommasi University of Bologna Street Food Safety in Urban Markets
17/05/2023 Constitution Day      
24/05/2023 12:00-13:15  Peter M. Morrow University of Toronto The Long-Run Labor Market Effects of the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement
01/06/2023 12:00-13:15 Dario Caldara Fed Board The International Spillovers of Synchronous Monetary Tightening
14/06/2023 12:00-13:15 Frank Schorfheide University of Pennsylvania On the Effects of Monetary Policy Shocks on Earnings and Consumption Heterogeneity
21/06/2023 12:00-13:15  Sydnee Caldwell UC Berkeley's Haas School of Business Bargaining and Inequality in the Labor Market

Fall 2023

Date Time Speaker Affiliation Title
23/08/2023 12:00-13:15 Christiane Szerman London School of Economics and Political Science/University College London The Labor Market Effects of Disability Hiring Quotas
30/08/2023 12:00-13:15 Andrea Weber Central European University Do Politicians Affect Firm Outcomes?
06/09/2023 12:00-13:15 Johannes Spinnewijn London School of Economics and Political Science The Chronic Condition Index: Analyzing Health Inequalities Over the Lifecycle
13/09/2023 12:00-13:15 Stefan Robert Helge Hinkelmann Stockholms Universitet (Be-)Coming Clean: A Model of the U.S. Energy Transition
20/09/2023 12:00-13:15 Jonas Hjort University College London/University of Oslo Input Sourcing in Lopsided Low-income Economies
27/09/2023 12:00-13:15 Marta Prato Yale/Bocconi University Career Choice of Entrepreneurs and the Rise of "Smart" Firms 
04/10/2023 Fall Break      
11/10/2023 12:00-13:15 Giulia Giupponi Bocconi University Forward-Looking Labor Supply Responses to Changes in Pension Wealth: Evidence from Germany
18/10/2023 12:00-13:15 L. Rachel Ngai London School of Economics and Political Science Structural Transformation over 150 years of Women’s and Men’s Work
01/11/2023 12:00-13:15 Isaac Baley Universitat Pompeu Fabra Self-insurance in Turbulent Labor Markets
08/11/2023 12:00-13:15 Basit Zafar University of Michigan Gender Differences in Negotiations and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from an Information Intervention with College Students 
22/11/2023 12:00-13:15 Maria Balgova IZA, Bonn Firm Concentration & Job Design: The Case of Schedule Flexible Work Arrangements
29/11/2023 12:00-13:15 Edwin Leuven University of Oslo Minority penalty in holistic college admission
13/12/2023 12:00-13:15 Alexander Popov European Central Bank  Out with the New, In with the Old? Bank Supervision and the Composition of Firm Investment