Faculty and research

Department of Data Science and Analytics

The Department of Data Science and Analytics is the ninth department at BI Norwegian Business School and was established in 2020. Our faculty have a background in statistics, machine learning, statistical learning, and/or artificial intelligence.

Simula@BI is a research centre at BI Norwegian Business School. The purpose of Simula@BI is to facilitate collaboration on research and teaching in data science between BI Norwegian Business School and Simula Research Laboratory.

Read more about the centre at Simula@BI´s website. 


BI hires head of department for data science

Professor Francesco Ravazzolo will lead new initiative on data-driven discovery and innovation.


BI and Simula partner to shape the future of data science

BI Norwegian Business school and Simula Research Laboratory have signed a memorandum of understanding to strengthen their expertise on data science through collaboration related to research and establishment of a new department and research center in data science.